
Officers and Board Members



If you are not receiving our quarterly newsletter and would like be added to the distribution list, please email the board or call 734-985-0031. The newsletter is also posted on the website.

If you are interested in advertising in the newsletter, please email

Volunteer Opportunities 

We are always looking for new volunteers to join us in helping to make our neighborhood better. If you are interested in getting involved please email the board, call 734-985-0031, or talk to us at any NPNA event.

Ongoing needs are new neighbor welcoming, articles for the newsletter, meetings presentations, and neighborhood beautification.


All households in the Normal Park neighborhood are automatically members of the Normal Park Neighborhood Association (NPNA). The NPNA does not require dues from its members, but they do support NPNA events like the ice cream social, Halloween parade, and general meetings.

Dues are $10.00 per household. Other monetary contributions are always appreciated.

Cash or checks made payable to the NPNA can be given to any board member. The NPNA is not presently a 501(c)(3) organization, so your contribution will not be tax deductible.


Questions or comments about this website? Please contact